Jan 30th, 2012

Ask Iron Maiden

OK folks, here's your chance to ask Iron Maiden those burning questions that have been bugging you since the last Q&A! The band have kindly agreed to answer 100 questions each, so get your thinking caps on and see what you can come up with.

We'd like you to post your questions on the bulletin board (no registration required) so that you can see what everyone else has been asking and try to avoid too many similar questions. So please read through them before asking yours. Also, take a look at the previous Q&As to see what was asked last time.

We'll be collating the questions in a few weeks and passing them on to the band, so there's no rush. Please put your name and country on your questions and remember, the more interesting it is, the more likely it is to get answered!

Ask Iron Maiden is now closed. Thanks for all your questions, and due to the massive response, please allow us some time to answer them!